Funny man Dick Cheney!
SYDNEY, Australia - Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that China's recent anti-satellite weapons test and a rapid military buildup were "not consistent" with its stated aim of a peaceful rise as a global power.
This guy keeps getting better with time, doesn't he?
I mean, here we have, the head of Halliburton who benefits from Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who wants USA to build as many arms as possible and he talks abt another country which is building up its military power?!? Come on, man, give us a break!
He is definitely one of those ammunition lobby war mongers, who want to start a war in some country, somewhere, somehow! We can see thru you Mr. Cheney. Even Americans aren't gullible to enough to believe you and George Bush's strategy of creating wars! (atleast 67% according to the latest survey)
And then comes the funnier part, there were 3 men holding placards "We need more men like Cheney, We love America!". Tell you what, even Japanese love America a lot more than you people do but they aren't idiots to believe that your wars in any way related to creating peace on Earth!